Tuesday 13 December 2011

We're going "Au Naturel"

Not gonna lie, before I bought this little palette, I was living off a cheap little palette from claires (i know, right?) and a couple of MUA eyeshadows. Now don't get me wrong, I love the MUA eyeshadows, they are unbelievable for the price! (A quid each from superdrug) The claires palette on the other hand, I didn't actually like it that much, just had it for this one beauty of a colour, which is a gorgeous plummy browny colour. So basically, that run out, and I was lost. 
But when my gorgeous best friend (and writer of KathyBeauPeep) whipped out a new palette she had just bought, I spotted the  lovely dark purple and other lovely colours and and fell in love.

Next stop, Superdrug! (£6.49)

So this is packaging, nothing too fancy, but decent enough!
It would be amazing if they designed the palettes to go with the theme of the makeup!

There's a lovely big mirror inside, so handy for touchups.
The applicator isn't too bad, but I don't use these so doesn't bother me either way.

Now don't panic, for the swatches and close up on the colours, I haven't done any editing that effects the colour like in my other photos!

So here they are in their little pans, untouched, still neat and tidy.
Cappuccino is my new favourite base colour. I love Honeycomb, but it's a bit yellow for me, so need to mix it with other colours. Toast is lovely too, a peachy, orangey colour. In the pan, Nubuck looks gorgeous, a lovely matte grey, but unfortunately the pigmentation is pretty poor in this colour so it's difficult to use.
My favourite shimmer shade is Moss, this is really lovely. Its a goldy, browny colour which goes on wonderfully. I like to use this and then shade with bark so I'm not too sparkly! Conker, like Nubuck is lovely in the pan, but difficult to use, It's not the pigmentation, its just so difficult to blend out. nice for creating a very defined cut crease though.
And of course there is the lovely Regal. I beautiful dark purply plummy colour. Not as browny as I would like, but I can use it with the other colours to get my desired look.

As you will notice, there are only four metallic/shimmer shades our of the twelve in the palette. Personally, this was a selling point for me as I'm not usually a fan. However, I do get allot of use out of them, and they have changed my views on the shimmery world. 

Here are all twelve shades in all their glory.

I'm pretty pasty so the lighter shades don't show up too well ( I seem to be the exact same colour as Nougat), but to be honest, the lighter shades were not as pigmented as the darker anyway. I find this in allot of palettes, that matte shades aren't as pigmented as shimmer, and this is soo frustrating. They're not that bad though, but I would recommend using a primer underneath help them along a bit!

So this the first look I got out of my new palette. 
this is pretty much how I wear my makeup everyday, with some slight variations depending on what I'm wearing, what my hair's doing etc.
I think i used pretty much every colour in the palette, just played around with it for a while. Think the colours we can see here, are most probably Nougat on the inner part, with a mixture of  Regal and bark used elsewhere. Might have even stuck a bit of
Noir in there for extra definition.

Overall, this a fantastic palette! I would highly recommend those of you who, like me cannot afford to splurge on Urban decays Naked palette. ( I actually prefer this for having more matte colours)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

All work and no play....means retail therapy for Selina

Ok, so I still haven't managed to fit blogging into my daily to do list, but I have been taking pictures and taking notes of all sorts of odds and sods to save up for blogger frenzies when I do find the time. 
now I'm gonna share a few bargainous treasures I found on my trip into town this week!
I planned on Christmas shopping, but forgot that the teachers were on strike, and so there were children and all sorts running around everywhere, so I didn't last long!

First up, Primark, of course.
Now I'm not a fan of clothes shopping in Primark. No snobbery here, I'm just to lazy to look for the good stuff. Can't deal with sales either. However, shoes and accessories I can deal with. 
I actually went in to find a new bag. One that was just big enough to fit my book and  makeup essentials in. 
And I found these!

You'll never guess how much these were?

I wish i had taken a picture of the inside cos they're pretty inside too!
The brown one is absolutely perfect for work, and the red, well I couldn't leave it there could I?
The red one is actually a kinda similar to my favourite bag from Topshop (should have taken a picture of that too, I know) But that one is black and cream, and costed £30. (Birthday present, I don't ever spend more than a tenner on pretty much anything)

I also picked up these little lovelies for 75p! They will  do just nicely for sitting in my little beehive.

Next up, good old Wilkinsons AKA Wilko.
I think I just popped in to get something boring like, a bottle of Fairy and some toothpaste, but low and behold, I left with this giant cupcake treasure!

This was less than half price so was only four quid!
Absolutely perfect to keep all my sweets and treats in.
(I'm a complete addict of all things sweet)
I actually have a whole kitchen cupboard dedicated to my habit, but all the loose sweets and chocolates needed a home, and I well and truly found one.

I found a couple of other bargains, but nothing particularly interesting enough to take pictures of and talk about. 

I did buy the Sleek Au Natural palette,  as recommended by my loveliest of friends, and writer of the beautiful blog KathyBeauPeep and my review and pictures of that will be coming up as soon possible!